Tiki Wiki Fiki got started after the following picture found its way into Flint Dille’s Facebook wall:

The sheer over-the-top nature of the picture prompted Flint to kick off a shared story line that served up a healthy dish of Polynesian Pulp with liberal amounts of equally over-the-top narratives. Several people jumped in to tell the tale behind this picture, and Flint was so taken with the result, he decided to move the whole thing out of Facebook to better explore the world.

The result is Tiki Wiki Fiki, a collaborative shared world combining the best of fictional storytelling, wiki-type worldbuilding collaboration, and tiki culture from Ground Zero Productions, Inc. and Brain Candy, LLC.

The general plan is to crowd-source a digital book/app of content (fiction, art, music, games, etc.) based on the TikiWikiFiki world bible as found on this site.

For more information, see HOW TO PLAY and HOUSE RULES.

3 Responses to “ABOUT”

  1. Scott Walker 05/17/2011 at 10:58 pm #

    Just updated the site with an initial Tiki Bible (a list of characters/locations/artifacts from the initial Facebook wiki fiki).

    Feel free to grab a character or two or make up your own and get tiki!

  2. ghostrobot 05/06/2011 at 6:17 pm #

    Any of these characters have names yet?

    • Scott Walker 05/06/2011 at 6:28 pm #

      We’re in the process of extracting names, locations and items that surfaced from the collaboration on Flint’s Facebook Wall. Look for more info later today, as well as more details on how this will all work.

      Thanks for stopping by (and what’s your favorite tiki drink?)!

      Scott “Dirty Monkey” Walker

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